I'm backing up the train a bit.
You see, I sat down to write a blog post today about waste and decided to check Facebook "real quick" before writing. Nearly two hours later--no blog post, and my kids' quiet time was over.
I have a problem.
My lack of self control in this area is so completely inconsistent with the way I handle many other areas in my life, including other outlets of media. I enjoyed taking a break from it all a couple of weeks ago during media week. After media week I had decided to make Sundays Facebook-free.
And I did.
And then I gorged myself on it the very next day.
I'm thinking I've missed the point.
Yesterday, my friend spoke at church. During her message she mentioned Brené Brown's statement that "We are the most in debt, obese, addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history." She also discussed how much advertising effects us, selling us something beyond the actual product offered.
In the back of my mind I thought (and even said to my husband), "I'm so glad we don't have TV in our house." (We have a TV, just no channels which means no commercials.) I sometimes think to myself how great it is that I'm not addicted to Soaps or other Daytime TV. Isn't it great that I'm not like those other Americans?
And then there's the internet.
Ahem. Yes, I remember the parable about the Pharisee praying "God thank you I do all these great things and that I'm not like him (the tax collector)." Meanwhile the tax collector is praying, "God be merciful to me." (Luke 18:9-14) And I remember the so often quoted plank-in-your-own-eye bit. (Matthew 7:1-5)
My friend read the passage from when a lawyer asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was and Jesus responded, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘ You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:35-40)
Everything I do, feel, and think should be reflective of loving God. And I must love my neighbor as myself.
When I waste time on things that don't really matter, I'm not really loving God, my neighbor, or myself.
I'm extending waste into this week to work on a few things I didn't finish last week and to include "time" by putting a boundary on those things that I allow to steal it.
I'm linking this one up under Media and Waste on our Summer of 7. You're welcome to join in or just read what's going on at other blogs. Just don't stay too long... ;).
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