I don't really want to write this post. But these thoughts have been stirring in my head, and my heart is at unrest, and last night's conversation with friends seemed like confirmation that I should.
Here's the deal: I don't know that I really consider myself a Republican anymore. Before my conservative friends get too bent out of shape, I don't consider myself a Democrat either. I feel I cannot agree with either party straight down the line on each and every issue.
Additionally, I'm tired of both parties using God as a campaign strategy. And I'm tired of Christians on either side of the fence blaming those on the other side and looking for a president to solve the moral issues with our country and right the social wrongs.
A donkey and an elephant make poor representations of the true Savior of the world.
When Jesus walked this earth, the Jewish people were looking for Him to overthrow the Romans and establish justice through an earthly kingdom. But Jesus had something bigger in mind. He knew that true change can't be enforced from the outside, regulated by man. How many times did the Israelites botch that one?
Change has to come from the heart.
Am I saying that Christians shouldn't vote or shouldn't vote according to what they believe? Am I saying there is not right and wrong? Absolutely not. By all means, do the research, pray for God to give you wisdom, and vote.
What I am saying is this: maybe we focus too much on looking to a political candidate to solve the problems of this nation, when it is more important for us as individuals to live out the Gospel in our daily lives. It is easier to point the finger at others or expect them to do the work for us than it is to take an honest look at how we ourselves are living.
Jesus said all of the law and prophets depend on this: to love the Lord our God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. That is the true hope for our world.